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The worlds randomest Story

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The worlds randomest Story Empty The worlds randomest Story

Post  Amethyst Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:37 am

Lizzy crept along the creaky floor of her house, the narrow path of light from her torch guiding her. She lifted her toes as she waddled across the cold, tiled kitchen floor. When she reached the study she held the torch up to the top shelf, revealing the dusty and worn covers of many hundreds of books.(for once her height was useful) She heard her parents stir and quickly flicked off her torch and slinked back off to bed.
Lizzy awoke to the sound of her alarm clock. It buzzed painfully in her ears, causing her to get irritated and slam her hand down on the stop button. It then exploded into a mass of springs and sparks. “Crud!” She screeched. She sat up groggily and rubbed her eyes, blew her frizzy black hair out of her face and whacked on her glasses. They enlarged her storm blue eyes, which were giving her sister, who had just walked into the room, a WHAT IS IT YOU FREAK? look. She heaved her gangly mess of legs onto the floor and dug her toes into the carpet.
“Lizzy! Lizzy!” Screeched Amy. “You’re gunna be late for school!” She was wearing full school uniform. Lizzy, shocked, bolted out of bed, down the stairs, dressed, shoved a packet of chips in her schoolbag, poured dry wheatbix into her open mouth, and raced out the front door.
She pelted up the street, tripping over everything she could possibly trip over. She halted, panting, outside the school, turning around slowly to face the padlocked gate. Suddenly she realised it was Sunday. Lizzy turned back around and saw the faint outline of her sister standing outside her house. She was giggling her head off.

She streaked like grease lightning back down the street, hands readily outstretched in sister- strangle mode. Amy, quickly realizing what was in for her, raced back inside the house. Lizzy heard the slight BANG of her bedroom door, followed by a faint CLICK of the lock.
This triggered the chain reaction of her parents shout “LIZZY!” she angrily stalked into her parents room their eyes following her every move. “Consider yourself…. In trouble you scared your poor sister to death!! Your twelve years old!!” Amy stumbled, blubbering into the room fake tears streaming down her face “L-lizzy dragged me o-out of bed and down t-the stairs an’ she told me it was school day an’ it w-wasn’t!!”
“Bring on the drama queen,” Lizzy muttered, glaring.
“What did you say?” Growled Linda, their mother.
“She was the Drama queen, small and peeved, only se-ven yeeeaarrrsss. SHE can’t dance, SHE can’t ji-ve, but you believe her fake cri-es. OOOOOOHHHHHHHHH the drama queen, young, not sweeeeet…”she sung along to the new version of her favourite song.
VWHHAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!” Exploded her Dad “LIZZY JANE McLACHLAN you get out of this room and get back into bed and don’t expect breakfast!” Her Dad really wasn’t good at punishments. She went back along the corridor whistling and feeling slightly better. She could hear her sister still pouring out the fake sobs as they echoed along behind her.

Chapter One:
My ruddy little sister and her neubly little plans and her chittery high pitched voice and her smittery smile. I know I’m complaining. But that’s pretty much all SHE DOES. And SHE gets away with it. Just because shes littler and cuter and “funnier” and younger she gets away with everything. And who gets the blame? Lucky old ME.
I have been me for almost thirteen years. And “Sweety weety wittle Amyyyyy” has been herself for ONLY 7!!!!
That didn’t make any sense. So I’ll start off on a new page. Literally.

OK. So here’s the new page.
She is a brat. With a dasterdellay plan to take over the universe!!!!!! That MUST BE IT!!!!!!!!! There’s no other explanation.. I mean, I NOW HAVE CONFIRMED THAT AMY ROSE MCLACHLAN IS AN ALIEN FROM OUTER SPACE!!!!!!
Well, Duh. I say to myself, hitting my forehead. I Jog back to my HQ aka: bedroom and clear a space on the crammed floor. I grab some paper and write:
Mission: To destroy all sister life on planet earth: (Except me and mikayla) Who ironically has extremely straight hair but any way
Plan: I’ll get back to you
I run downstairs to the study and stretch to the top shelf and drag down one of the heavy books:
The cover reads:
Perfect! But I’m starting to wonder what on earth a book that ancient is doing in Dad’s study …. Meh… I’ll get back to it later.
I decide to take notes
• Catapults-could be usefull but how can I destroy everyone with one of those???


Posts : 41
Join date : 2010-07-14
Location : Deep Dark forest


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The worlds randomest Story Empty Re: The worlds randomest Story

Post  Gloom Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:20 am

lol! u should write more like another chapter Happy Wolf

Posts : 31
Join date : 2010-05-31
Age : 26
Location : places

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